
softec microsystems燒錄器 flashrunner燒錄器 ISP在線燒錄器 SMH-TECH通用燒錄器

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Flash Runner 是一臺通用性生產(chǎn)型的在線燒錄器,它是多年微處理器調(diào)試和程序燒錄總結(jié)的解決方案。

softec microsystems燒錄器 flashrunner燒錄器 ISP在線燒錄器 SMH-TECH通用燒錄器



Smh-tech/softec mirosystems**性的通用在線燒錄器


Flash Runner 是一臺通用性生產(chǎn)型的在線燒錄器,它是多年微處理器調(diào)試和程序燒錄總結(jié)的解決方案


  • 上等-支持多種設(shè)備制造商
  • 快速減少編程時間意味著降低生產(chǎn)成本
  • 靈活-可應(yīng)用于任何編程配置
  • 可靠——確保數(shù)據(jù)完整性和不間斷生產(chǎn)流程的特性



  • ISP使制造變得更容易和更便宜
  • ISP設(shè)備可以在設(shè)備已經(jīng)焊接到PCB時進(jìn)行編程
  • ISP使固件更新成為可能而無需額外費(fèi)用
  • 降低制造成本,支持靈活的電路內(nèi)測試,并提供更快的上市時間


  • 頂部面板保護(hù)主硬件并復(fù)制狀態(tài)led。如果在您的編程/測試系統(tǒng)中集成空間是一個問題,你也可拆除他。
  • 內(nèi)置的計時器/日歷允許詳細(xì)的、有時間戳的日志。因此,生產(chǎn)問題可以追溯到它們發(fā)生的確切時刻。
  • C - Flashrunner使用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的、可移動的優(yōu)良數(shù)字卡(*多2GB)存儲二進(jìn)制圖像文件、項目和日志文件。
  • 易于安裝在ATE和測試裝置內(nèi)。與安捷倫、PTI派捷、Genrad等系統(tǒng)兼容。
  • 連接層提供連接到您的編程/測試系統(tǒng)的接口。包括光電隔離電路和以太網(wǎng)連接器,以連接到主機(jī)系統(tǒng)。
  • F -編程引擎層(所有Flashrunner系列設(shè)備都通用)包含了所有Flashrunner電子在緊湊的足跡。
  • 為速度而造的閃電俠是為速度而造的。硬件和固件都被設(shè)計成以一種有效的方式一起工作,以消除通信瓶頸。在此基礎(chǔ)上,開發(fā)了達(dá)到目標(biāo)設(shè)備內(nèi)存技術(shù)速度極限的快速編程算法。這使FlashRunner成為市場上速度*快的通用系統(tǒng)內(nèi)程序員之一,使您能夠顯著降低生產(chǎn)成本。
  • 廣泛的IC覆蓋FlashRunner的完全可重構(gòu)和靈活的硬件能夠編程大量基于閃存的微控制器和串行存儲器。目前支持5000多種IC,F(xiàn)lashRunner的設(shè)備列表不斷快速增長。由于我們與*重要的硅制造商有特殊的合作關(guān)系,我們的工程師不斷更新較佳手的技術(shù)信息,從而得到及時和**的設(shè)備支持。
  • 緊湊和健壯的FlashRunner以上等進(jìn)的電子產(chǎn)品為特色,為您提供高集成靈活性在緊湊的足跡。系統(tǒng)的每個組件都經(jīng)過了設(shè)計,能夠承受*嚴(yán)酷的生產(chǎn)環(huán)境。光電隔離、ESD保護(hù)、數(shù)據(jù)傳輸?shù)腃RC和詳細(xì)的報告使FlashRunner成為*重要的編程流程確定性的上等選擇。
  • 簡單的和固定的集成它的簡單和通用的接口系統(tǒng)允許FlashRunner容易和無縫集成到自動測試設(shè)備(ATE)系統(tǒng)。
  • FlashRunner與Agilent、Teradyne、SPEA、PTI,Genrad等系統(tǒng)和測試裝置兼容。FlashRunner可以在獨(dú)立模式下工作,也可以由主機(jī)系統(tǒng)通過以太網(wǎng)或RS-232連接驅(qū)動。
  • 數(shù)據(jù)保護(hù)系統(tǒng)FlashRunner實現(xiàn)了一個可選的數(shù)據(jù)保護(hù)系統(tǒng),使二進(jìn)制文件的內(nèi)容被編程到目標(biāo)設(shè)備上,不被授權(quán)人員讀取(且****)。此外,保護(hù)系統(tǒng)擴(kuò)展到編程周期,防止生產(chǎn)人員篡改編程流程。
  • 面板PCB編程FlashRunner支持面板PCB編程。提供多個ISP輸出,允許多個設(shè)備編程,無論是在單個板上,還是在面板組裝的多個板上分布。
  • 技術(shù)支持和服務(wù)購買產(chǎn)品只是解決您的編程需求的一部分。我們知道,如果需要的話,你必須依靠專業(yè)的幫助。flashrunner是由全球經(jīng)銷商和系統(tǒng)集成商組成的網(wǎng)絡(luò)銷售和支持的,有三年的保修期,并有知識豐富、快速的技術(shù)支持。此外,我們的工程師可以定制設(shè)計和驗證報告,以幫助您啟動項目,并向您提供準(zhǔn)確的編程流程證明


Products Overview

A Revolutionary, Universal, Production In-System Programmer


Why FlashRunner

FlashRunner is a universal, production In-System Programmer. It is the result of many years of experience in developing programming and debugging solutions for microcontrollers.

  • FlashRunner has been carefully designed to be
  • Universal - Supports multiple device manufacturers
  • Fast - Reduced programming time means reduced production costs
  • Flexible - Can be applied to any programming configuration
  • Reliable - Features ensuring data integrity and uninterrupted production flow

Why In-System Programming

The programming of devices In-Circuit or In-System (ISP) eliminates limitations associated
with traditional programmable devices (On-Socket or Pre-Programmed). ISP delivers benefits
to In-Board and System Level design, manufacturing and programming processes.

  • ISP makes manufacturing easier and cheaper
  • ISP devices can be programmed while the devices are already soldered to the PCB
  • ISP makes firmware updates possible without additional costs
  • Lower manufacturing costs, enables flexible in-circuit testing, and delivers faster time-to-market

The Flash Runner Series


A - The top panel protects the main hardware and replicates status LEDs. CAn be easily removed if space is an issue when integrating in your programming/testing system.

B - A built-in timekeeper/calendar allows for detailed, timestamped logs. Production problems can thus be traced back to the exact moment they happened.

C - Flashrunner uses a standard, removable Secure Digital card (up to 2GB) to store binary image files, projects and log files.

D - Mounts easily inside ATE and test fixtures. Compatible with Agilent, Teradyne, SPEA, Genrad and other systems.

E - The connection layer provides connectors to interface to your programming/testing system. Includes optoisolation circuity and an Ethernet connector to interface to a host system.

F - The programming engine layer (common to all Flashrunner Series instruments) contains all of the Flashrunner electronics in a compact footprint.


Built for Speed FlashRunner has been built for speed. Both the hardware and firmware have been engineered to work together in such an efficient way as to eliminate communication bottlenecks. On top of this, fast Programming Algorithms have been developed that reach the memory technology speed limit of the target device. This makes FlashRunner one of the fastest universal In-System Programmers on the market, enabling you to significantly cut production costs.

Extensive Device Coverage FlashRunner’s fully reconfigurable and flexible hardware is capable of programming a vast amount of Flash-based microcontrollers and serial memories. Currently supporting more than 5000 devices, FlashRunner’s device list is continuously increasing at a fast pace. Thanks to special partnerships with the most important Silicon Manufacturers, our engineers are constantly updated with first-hand technical information, which results in prompt and comprehensive device support.


Compact and Robust FlashRunner features state-of-the-art electronics to provide you with high integration flexibility in a compact footprint. Every component of the system has been engineered to withstand the harshest production environments. Optoisolation, ESD protection, CRC on data transfers and detailed reports make FlashRunner the perfect choice when certainty of the programming flow is of the utmost importance.

Easy ATE and Fixture Integration Its simple and versatile interface system allows FlashRunner to be easily and seamlessly integrated into Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) systems.
FlashRunner is compatible with Agilent,PTI Teradyne, SPEA, Genrad, and other systems and test fixtures. FlashRunner works either in standalone mode or driven by a host system, through Ethernet or RS-232 connections.


Data Protection System FlashRunner implements an optional data protection system that makes the contents of the binary file to be programmed to the target device not readable (and not duplicable) by non-authorized people. Moreover, the protection system extends to the programming cycle, preventing production personnel from tampering with the programming flow.


Paneled PCB Programming FlashRunner supports programming of paneled PCBs. Multiple ISP outputs are provided, which allow multiple device programming whether on a single board or distributed across multiple boards in a panel assembly.


Technical Support and Services Purchasing a product is only part of solving your programming needs. We know that you must count on professional help should the need arise. FlashRunneris sold and supported by a worldwide network of resellers and system integrators, comes with a three-year warranty and is backed up by knowledgeable and fast technical support. Additionally, our engineers are available for custom designs and validation reports, to help you start up your projects and providing you with accurate programming flow certifications.